MTH 1400 (Fall 2021)
PreCalculus, Elementary Functions

Syllabus, and the Text. Problems from quizzes and tests.

The final is comprehensive. For chapters {1,3,4,5,6} study from the 7 quizzes and TWO test that we had. For Chapter 7, go over the derivations below.
\( \S \)7.2 Sum and Difference Identities. Make sure you can derive all identities shown below.
\( \S \)7.3 Double-Angle, Half-Angle, and Reduction Formulas. Make sure you can derive all identities shown below.
\( \S \)7.4 Sum-to-Product and Product-to-Sum Formulas. Make sure you can derive all identities shown below.
\( \S \)7.5 Solving Trigonometric Equations, Problems 59-65.

Important Identities that you should be able to derive are
Main Identity
\begin{align} d^2_1 &= d^2_2 \\ \overbrace{\left( \cos A -\cos B\right)^2+\left( \sin A -\sin B\right)^2}^{d^2_1} &= \overbrace{\left( \cos (A-B) -1\right)^2+\left( \sin (A-B) -0 \right)^2}^{d^2_2} \\ \cos^2 A -2\cos A \cos B +\cos^2 B + \sin^2 A -2\sin A \sin B +\sin^2 B &= \cos^2 (A-B)-2\cos(A-B)+1 +\sin^2(A-B) \\ \underbrace{\cos^2 A+ \sin^2 A}_{1} -2\cos A \cos B -2\sin A \sin B +\underbrace{\sin^2 B +\cos^2 B}_{1} &= \underbrace{\sin^2(A-B)+ \cos^2 (A-B)}_{1}-2\cos(A-B)+1 \\ -2\cos A \cos B -2\sin A \sin B &= -2\cos(A-B) \\ \cos A \cos B +\sin A \sin B &= \cos(A-B) \,\,\, \checkmark \end{align}
\begin{align} \cos(\alpha \pm\beta) &= \cos \alpha \cos \beta \mp \sin \alpha \sin \beta \\ \sin(\alpha \pm\beta) &= \sin \alpha \cos \beta \pm \cos \alpha \sin \beta \end{align} Comparing distances of cords on unit circle, we started by deriving the big mama identity $$ \cos(\alpha -\beta) = \cos \alpha \cos \beta + \sin \alpha \sin \beta \tag{Big Mama} $$ Then we used the substitution \( \boxed{\cos(\alpha +\beta) = \cos(\alpha -(-\beta))} \) and the fact(s) that $$ \underbrace{\cos(-x)=\cos(x)}_{\text{even}} \hspace{3mm} \text{ and } \hspace{3mm} \underbrace{\sin(-x)=-\sin(x)}_{\text{odd}} $$ to derive the older daughter identity $$ \cos(\alpha +\beta) = \cos \alpha \cos \beta - \sin \alpha \sin \beta $$ Next order of business was to apply \(\boxed{ \sin (x)=\cos\left(x-\frac{\pi}{2} \right) }\) to the older daughter identity to get \begin{align} \sin (\alpha+ \beta) &= \cos\left((\alpha+\beta)-\frac{\pi}{2} \right) \\ &= \cos\left( \alpha+\left(\beta-\frac{\pi}{2}\right) \right) \\ &= \cos \alpha \, \underbrace{\cos\left( \beta-\frac{\pi}{2} \right)}_{\sin \beta}- \sin \alpha \, \underbrace{\sin\left( \beta-\frac{\pi}{2} \right)}_{-\cos \beta} \\ &= \cos \alpha \sin \beta +\sin \alpha \cos \beta \end{align} and finally \begin{align} \sin (\alpha- \beta) &= \sin \left(\alpha+ (-\beta)\right) \\ &= \cos \alpha\, \underbrace{\sin (-\beta)}_{-\sin\beta} +\sin \alpha\, \underbrace{\cos (-\beta)}_{\cos \beta} \\ &= \sin \alpha \cos \beta -\cos \alpha \sin\beta \end{align} A very special case(s) of colosal importance are the so called double angle identities \begin{align} \sin 2\phi &= \sin\left(\phi+\phi \right)\\ &= \cos \phi \sin \phi +\cos\phi \sin \phi \\ &= 2\cos\phi \sin\phi \\ \cos 2\theta &= \cos\left(\theta+\theta \right) \\ &= \cos\theta \cos\theta -\sin\theta \sin\theta \\ &= \cos^2\theta -\sin^2\theta = \underbrace{1-\sin^2\theta}_{\cos^2\theta}-\sin^2\theta = 1-2\sin^2\theta \\ &= \cos^2\theta-\underbrace{\left( 1-\cos^2\theta \right)}_{\sin^2\theta} \\ &= 2\cos^2\theta -1 \end{align} The last two identities were obtained by solving \(\boxed{\cos 2\theta = 2\cos^2\theta -1}\) for \(\cos^2\theta\) and, \(\boxed{\cos 2\theta = 1-2\sin^2\theta}\) for \(\sin^2\theta\), and they are $$ \boxed{\cos^2\theta =\frac{1}{2}\left[ 1+\cos 2\theta \right]} \hspace{3mm} \text{ and } \hspace{3mm} \boxed{\sin^2\theta =\frac{1}{2}\left[ 1-\cos 2\theta \right]} $$ By substituting (aka change of variable) \(\boxed{x=2\theta}\) which is equivalent to \(\boxed{\theta=\frac{x}{2}}\) we get less important half angle identities $$ \boxed{\cos^2\frac{x}{2} =\frac{1}{2}\left[ 1+\cos x \right]} \hspace{3mm} \text{ and } \hspace{3mm} \boxed{\sin^2\frac{x}{2} =\frac{1}{2}\left[ 1-\cos x \right]} $$
We can obtain one more form from big mama and her daughters. The so called product identities. The big mama and her daughters are enumerated here for easy reference \begin{align} \cos(\alpha +\beta) &= \cos \alpha \cos \beta - \sin \alpha \sin \beta \tag{1} \\ \cos(\alpha -\beta) &= \cos \alpha \cos \beta + \sin \alpha \sin \beta \tag{2} \\ \sin(\alpha +\beta) &= \sin \alpha \cos \beta + \cos \alpha \sin \beta \tag{3} \\ \sin(\alpha -\beta) &= \sin \alpha \cos \beta - \cos \alpha \sin \beta \tag{4} \end{align} Add (3) to (4), then divide by 2 to get $$ \sin \alpha \cos \beta = \frac{1}{2}\left[ \sin(\alpha +\beta) + \sin(\alpha -\beta) \right] \tag{5} $$ Add (1) to (2), then divide by 2 to get $$ \cos \alpha \cos \beta = \frac{1}{2}\left[ \cos(\alpha-\beta)+\cos(\alpha+\beta)\ \right] \tag{6} $$ Finally, \(\frac{(2)-(1)}{2}\) gives $$ \sin\alpha\sin\beta = \frac{1}{2}\left[ \cos(\alpha-\beta)-\cos(\alpha+\beta) \right] \tag{7} $$
Use a change of variable \(\alpha = \frac{u+v}{2}\) and \(\beta = \frac{u-v}{2}\) to obtain sum-to-product identities.
The figure above, illustrates the identity $$ \sin A + \sin B = 2 \cdot \overbrace{\sin \left( \frac{A+B}{2} \right)}^{\text{average period}} \cdot \overbrace{\cos \left( \frac{A-B}{2} \right)}^{\text{slow envelope}} $$

Week of November 1, Covered: Had Quiz 6, \(\S\)4.7 Exponential and Logarithmic Models
Exponential Growth and Decay

Week of October 25, Covered:
Week of October 18, Covered:
  1. Had Quiz 4 (complex roots, conjugates, and long division).
  2. Finished \(\S3.7\) Rational Functions.
  3. Started Chapter 4 (Exponential and Logarithmic Functions), \(\S4.1\) and \(\S4.2\)
    1. Properties of Exponential Functions.
    2. Graphs of Exponential Functions.
    3. Compound interest $$ A(t)=P_0\left(1+\frac{r}{k} \right)^{kt} $$ Here: \(A(t)\) is the amount in the account in \(\$\), at time \(t\) years. \(P_0\) is the principal amount that is deposited initially at the account. \(r\) is the annual interest rate. \(k\) number of times compounding happens in a year.
    4. For continuous compounding, we need to:
      • Send \(k\rightarrow \infty\)
      • Apply \(\boxed{\lim\limits_{x\rightarrow \infty} \left(1+\frac{1}{x} \right)^x=e}\) to \(\boxed{A(t)=P_0\left(1+\frac{r}{k} \right)^{kt}}\)

        The limit e

      • Template match to identify \(\boxed{\frac{1}{x}=\frac{r}{k}}\). Hence \(\boxed{k=rx}\) and more importantly: as \(\boxed{x \rightarrow \infty}\) so does \(\boxed{k \rightarrow \infty}\) $$ \begin{align} \lim_{k\rightarrow \infty} P_0 \left(1+\frac{r}{k} \right)^{kt} &= \lim_{x\rightarrow \infty} P_0 \left(1+\frac{1}{x}\right)^{rxt} \\ &= \lim_{x\rightarrow \infty} P_0 \left[\left(1+\frac{1}{x}\right)^x\right]^{rt} \\ &= P_0 \left[\lim_{x\rightarrow \infty} \left(1+\frac{1}{x}\right)^x\right]^{rt} \\ &= P_0 e^{rt} \end{align} $$

Week of October 11, Fall Break (no classes, Oct 11-12). Covered: \(\S3.7\) Rational Functions, Asymptotes (vertical, horizontal, slant), End Behavior, Arrow Notation, \(\boxed{\lim\limits_{x\rightarrow a}f(x)=b}\)

Week of October 4 covered: Had Test 1, Polynomial Divison, Fundamental theorem of Algebra
For LONG division do practice problems in §3.5:
  1. problems 27-37 using LONG DIVISION
  2. problems 42, 43, 51 and 53 use LONG DIVISION ONLY
Very important that you have enough practice till you do these without sign errors or pausing to think. These problems should be done at the speed of your hand writing.

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Every non-zero, single-variable, degree \(n\geq 1\) polynomial with complex coefficients has, counted with multiplicity, exactly \(n\) complex roots.
Also recall from class that:
  1. Every odd degree polynomial has at least one real zero. So you can plot on calculator and see the real zero.
  2. However even degree polynomials are not guaranteed to have real zeros.
  3. If a polynomial with real coefficients has a complex zero \(x_1=a+bi\), then it must have another zero \(x_2=a-bi\), complex conjugates.
Extracting zeros of the THIRD and FOURTH degree polynomial is one of the main topics in this chapter. Example a and Example b were done in class.

Problems for quiz 4 October 19, Tuesday

Use the Factor Theorem to find all zeros for the given polynomial function, then factor the polynomial completely. $$ \begin{align} f_1(x) &= x^4+2x^3+\,\,2x^2+10x+25, && \text{ with a zero } x=-2+i \\ f_2(x) &= x^4-4x^3\phantom{+2x^22}\,\,\,\,+8x\,+20, && \text{ with a zero } x=-1-i \\ f_3(x) &= x^4-6x^3+18x^2-30x+25, && \text{ with a zero } x=+1-2i \\ f_4(x) &= x^4-4x^3+3x^2-10x+50, && \text{ with a zero } x=-1+2i \\ f_5(x) &= x^4-8x^3+24x^2-32x+20, && \text{ with a zero } x=+1+i \\ f_6(x) &= x^4-6x^3+23x^2-50x+50, && \text{ with a zero } x=+2-i \end{align} $$ For each of the following cubic polynomials $$ \begin{align} f_7(x) &= x^3+7x^2+17x+15 \\ f_8(x) &= x^3-2x^2+2x-40 \\ f_9(x) &= x^3+6x^2+21x+26 \\ f_{10}(x) &= x^3-x^2-x-15 \\ f_{11}(x) &= x^3+7x^2+24x+18 \\ f_{12}(x) &= x^3+4x^2+13x-50 \end{align} $$
  1. Use a graphing calculator to find a real zero of \(f(x)\).
  2. Find all the zeros (aka roots) of \(f(x)\).
  3. Write \(f(x)\) as a product of linear factors.
  4. Verify the correctness of your factorization above by direct multiplication.
Also §3.4, problems 48-56.
Six Polynomials

Week of September 27 covered: Had quiz 3, Power functions, monomials and graphs of polynomials, multiplicity, end behavior, even and odd functions.
A polynomial (function) is an expression of the form: \begin{align} \require{color}\colorbox{yellow}{$f(x)$} &\require{color}\colorbox{yellow}{$=a_0\phantom{x^0}+a_1x\phantom{^1}+a_2x^2+\cdots + a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+a_n x^n$} \\ &\require{color}\colorbox{yellow}{$= a_0x^0+a_1x^1+a_2x^2+\cdots + a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+a_n x^n$} \end{align} Powers of \(x\) must be nonnegative integers, that is \(\{ 0,1,2,\ldots, n-1, n \}\), and \(a_n\neq 0\). Also \(n\) must be finite. For example in $$g(x)=35x^2-7x-\frac{3}{2}x^4-12x^3$$
Polynomials vs. non-polynomials
Polynomials Non polynomials
1. \(f_1(x)=-5x^2+3x-\frac{7}{12}\) \( h_1(x)=\frac{1}{x} \)
2. \(f_2(x)=(x-3)(x+\sqrt{5})\) \( h_2(x)=x^{-2} \)
3. \(f_3(x)=\frac{7}{3}(x+12)(x-4)(x+22)\) \( h_3(x)=\sqrt{x} \)
4. \(f_4(x)=3x+2\) \( h_4(x)=|x| \)
5. \(f_5(x)=\sqrt{7} \) \( h_5(x)=2^x \)
6. \(f_6(x)=0 \) \( h_6(x)=\frac{x^2+2x-3}{x^2-2x+5} \)

The next figure illustrates the relative growth of monomials \(x^k\).

Example: Find the equation of the polynomial shown in the following figure.
6th degree polynomial
Solution: From the figure the three zeros (roots) of this polynomial and the \(y\)-intercept From the zeros we have the factors and we can write $$ f(x)=a(x+4)^3(x-1)(x-3)^2 $$ To find \(a\) use the \(y\)-intercept \((0,-4)\), substitute \begin{align} f(0) &= a(0+4)^3(0-1)(0-3)^2 \\ &= a\cdot 64 \cdot (-1)\cdot 9 \\ &= -4 \end{align} Hence $$a=\frac{-4}{-64\cdot 9}=\frac{1}{144}$$ And therefore $$ f(x)=\frac{1}{128}(x+4)^3(x-1)(x-3)^2$$

Quadratic Optimization Problems due September 30.

Week of September 20: had quiz 2, covered completing the square, quadratic formula and story problems about quadratic optimization.
Perfect square is an expression of the form $$ \boxed{(x+v)^2=x^2+2vx+v^2} \hspace{8mm} \text{ or } \hspace{8mm} \boxed{(x-u)^2=x^2-2ux+u^2} $$ For example to complete-the-square for \(f(x)=-\frac{2}{3}x^2+6x-7\) we procede as follows: $$ \begin{align} f(x)=-\frac{2}{3}x^2+6x-7 &= -\frac{2}{3}\left(\underbrace{x^2-9x\phantom{+\left(\frac{9}{2} \right)^2-\left(\frac{9}{2} \right)^2}}_{\text{here }9=2u, \text{ so } u^2=\left( \frac{9}{2} \right)^2} \right)-7 & \text{ factor the coefficient of } x^2 \text{ out of the way}\\ &= -\frac{2}{3}\left(\underbrace{x^2-9x+\left(\frac{9}{2} \right)^2}_{\text{perfect }\square}-\left(\frac{9}{2} \right)^2 \right)-7 & \text{add & subtract }u^2 \text{ to complete the square}\\ &= -\frac{2}{3}\left(x-\frac{9}{2} \right)^2+\frac{2}{3}\cdot \frac{9}{2}\cdot \frac{9}{2}-7 & \text{rewrite as a perfect square}\\ &= -\frac{2}{3}\left(x-\frac{9}{2} \right)^2+\frac{13}{2} & \text{ read off the vertex } \left( \frac{9}{2},\frac{13}{2} \right) \end{align} $$ Now it is easy to find the \(x\)-intercepts, set \(y=0\) and find corresponding \(x\). $$ \begin{align*} -\frac{2}{3}\left(x-\frac{9}{2} \right)^2+\frac{13}{2} &= 0 \\ \frac{2}{3}\left(x-\frac{9}{2} \right)^2 &= \frac{13}{2} \\ \left(x-\frac{9}{2} \right)^2 &= \frac{3}{2}\cdot \frac{13}{2} \\ x-\frac{9}{2} &= \pm \frac{\sqrt{39}}{2} \\ x_{1,2} &= \frac{9\pm \sqrt{39}}{2} \end{align*} $$ The \(x\)-intercepts are \( \left(\frac{9- \sqrt{39}}{2} ,0 \right) \text{ and } \left(\frac{9+ \sqrt{39}}{2} ,0 \right) \)

In Quadratic Optimization Problems it is absolutely mandatory to:

  1. Declare the variables clearly. (not more than TWO in our problems).
  2. State the objective to be optimized (minimized or maximized).
  3. State the constraints when necessary.
  4. Find the optimum value of the objective, that is the vertex of the quadratic function.
  5. Write down your conclusion in a clear language using complete sentences.

Problems for Quiz 2:
  1. Difference Quotients: Simplify as much as possible (till there is no division by \(\boxed{h=0}\) the difference quotient \(\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}\) for each of the following: $$ \begin{align} f(x) &= 3x^2-5x+7 \\ g(x) &= \frac{-3}{x+5} \\ u(x) &= \sqrt{x+7} \\ w(x) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{x+7}} \end{align} $$
  2. Transformation of functions: Sketch without calculators, and identify the vertex and all the intercepts of: $$ \begin{align} f_1(x) &= -2|x+4|+7 \\ f_2(x) &= -3|x-5|-1 \\ f_3(x) &= +4|x+1| \\ f_3(x) &= +4|x+1|+3 \end{align} $$
  3. Inequality: Solve: $$ \begin{align} 2|3x+1| & < 5 \\ 2|3x-1| & \geq 5 \\ -2|3x-2|+8 & \leq 1 \\ -2|3x-2|+8 & > 11 \end{align} $$
  4. Complex variables: Let \(z= \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}+i \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \right) \), \(z_1=-3+5i\), \(z_2=5-2i\) and \(z_3=-1+2i\), simplify each of the following: $$ \frac{z_1-z_2}{z_3}, \,\, \frac{z_2}{z_1+z_3}, \,\, z^2, \,\,\, zz^*, \,\, (z^*)^2 $$
  5. Parabolas in vertex form: Sketch without calculators, and identify the vertex, the axes of symmetry, and all the intercepts (state the complex valued solutions in case if there are no real \(x\)-intecepts): $$ \begin{align} f_1(x) &= -2(x+4)^2+7 \\ f_2(x) &= -3(x-5)^2-1 \\ f_3(x) &= +4(x+1)^2 \\ f_3(x) &= +4(x+1)^2+3 \end{align} $$

Week of September 13 covered: More examples on transformations of functions, absolute value inequalities, complex numbers, vertex form of parabola \(\boxed{f(x)=a(x-k)^2+h}\)

Week of September 6 (Shorter week since there was no class for MWF due to Labor day Sep 6, and shorter TR class due to "Celebrate Spirit" on Sep 9).
Had Quiz 1. And covered:
Week of August 30 covered: Functions, Domain and Range, One-to-One Functions, Vertical and Horizontal Line Tests, function composition, Inverse Functions.
Function composition:
\(g()\) is applied to \(u\) after \(f()\) is denoted by \((g\, \color{red}{\circ} f)(u)=g(f(u))\) $$ u \rightarrow \underbrace{\boxed{\boxed{f(\,\, )}\rightarrow \boxed{g(\,\, )}}}_{(g \, \circ f)}\rightarrow g(f(u)) $$ Example: Let \(f(w)=\frac{1}{w+1}\) and \(g(t)=t^2+1\), then
  1. $$\boxed{ \begin{align} (f \circ g)(3) &= f(g(3)) \\ &= f\left( 3^2+1 \right) \\ &= f(10) \\ &= \frac{1}{10+1} = \frac{1}{11} \end{align} } $$
  2. $$ \boxed{ \begin{align} (g \circ f)(3) &= g(f(3)) \\ &= g\left( \frac{1}{3+1} \right) \\ &= g\left( \frac{1}{4} \right) \\ &= \left( \frac{1}{4} \right)^2+1 \\ &= \frac{1}{16}+1=\frac{17}{16} \end{align} } $$
  3. $$ \boxed{ \begin{align} (f \circ g)(z+1) &= f(g(z+1)) \\ &= f\left( (z+1)^2+1 \right) \\ &= f\left( z^2+2z+2 \right) \\ &= \frac{1}{[z^2+2z+2]+1} \\ &= \frac{1}{z^2+2z+3} \end{align} } $$

  4. If \(f\) is a one-to-one, that is: \(f(x_1)\neq f(x_2)\) for distinct \(x_1\neq x_2\), then the unique inverse function \(f^{-1}\) exists and has the property $$\begin{align} f^{-1}(f(x)) &= (f^{-1}\circ f)(x) \\ &= I(x) \\ &= x \\ f(f^{-1}(x)) &= (f\circ f^{-1})(x) \\ &= I(x) \\ &= x \end{align} $$ To find \(f^{-1}(x)\) we use the following 4 steps:
    1. Write \(y=f(x)\)
    2. Swap \(x\) and \(y\) to get \(x=f(y)\)
    3. Solve for \(y\)
    4. Name the result in 3. above as \(y=f^{-1}(x)\)
    Couple of examples: Example 1 and Example 2.
    Basic Toolkit Functions include:
    1. Lines \(\boxed{f(x)=mx+b}\), one-to-one if \(m\neq 0\), not one-to-one if \(m=0\).
    2. Absolute value function \(\boxed{f(x)= |x|}\), not one-to-one.
    3. Parabola \(\boxed{f(x)=x^2}\), not one-to-one.
    4. Square root \(\boxed{f(x)= \sqrt{x}}\), one-to-one.
    5. Cubic function \(\boxed{f(x)= x^3}\), one-to-one.
    6. Cube root \(\boxed{f(x)= \sqrt[3]{x}}\), one-to-one.
    7. Reciprocal function \(\boxed{f(x)= \frac{1}{x}}\), one-to-one.
    8. Reciprocal squared \(\boxed{f(x)= \frac{1}{x^2}}\), not one-to-one.

    • \(\S\)1.1: 12-26, 28-30, 32, 33, 37-39, 40-59, 74, 75.
    • \(\S\)1.2: even 8-24, 28-36, 40-44.
    • \(\S\)1.3: even 6-14, all 18-25.
    • \(\S\)1.4: even 6-10, 11, even 12-16, all 20-25, even 34-40, all 42-49, 50-57.
    • \(\S\)1.5: 18-23, 27-30, 33-46, 47-52, 69-77, 78, 81.
    • \(\S\)1.6: even 16-36, even 38-52.
    • \(\S\)1.7: 11, 12, 13-15, 17, 18, 23-32.